I find it hard to create because of time management. Between work, family, and ministry, I am prayerfully seeking wisdom on how and when to make time to create art.

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I find it hard to create because I don't know where to start. I don't have a proper time management since I'm always busy at work and family.

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I also find it hard to create because of time management, but I think that's partly because I don't value it enough. I think maybe I see other things, like family and more obvious ministry in church, as more important and therefore they take priority. And then when I do have time I find myself too tired to start creating, even though I know from past experience that if I did get started, it would actually give me energy and make me feel better for it afterwards!

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Some Devo Points:

✅ Before our creative endeavours become a mission field, it must first come from a heart of worship. From an intimate act of worship, to an overflowing expression of His love and grace in which you can't contain.

✅ When we embrace this missional approach, we must align our hearts with Gods purpose. This higher calling demands us to use our artistry for kingdom work.

The harvest is great, the laborers are few. COMMIT TO THIS HIGHER CALLING.

✅ No matter what you do- even if its kingdom work or a mere hobby, always come back to heart of worship.

It's all about God. It's all about Jesus. In everything that you do, you must honor, glorify and please Him in every aspect and every way in your life.

That is all, just thought I'd share. I really enjoyed this one honestly ^^" (The question even brought a lot of conviction to me so yeah ><)

Thank you so much! ✨💜

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